£12,500 Compensation Secured for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss at Shorts

At Keenan Solicitors, we recently secured a £12,500 settlement for a former Shorts employee who developed noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and tinnitus due to excessive workplace noise exposure. Despite working in extremely loud conditions for decades, no hearing protection was provided for the first 20 years, and even when it was introduced, its use was not enforced.

This case highlights how employers can be held accountable for failing to protect their workers, even if the exposure happened years ago.


What Happened?

Our client worked as a fitter at Shorts from the 1970s until 2015. His workstation was located next to riveting, a job that involved constant loud noise.

Throughout his employment:

  • For 20 years, no ear protection was provided.
  • Earplugs were eventually introduced but not enforced, leaving him exposed to excessive noise.
  • He had to shout just to be heard by colleagues.


Over time, he developed symptoms of hearing loss and tinnitus, including:

  • Struggling to follow conversations when there was background noise (e.g., in social settings or work meetings).
  • Needing to turn the TV and radio volume up to high levels.
  • Difficulties using the telephone.
  • Tinnitus (ringing in his ears), particularly bad in the mornings.


Recognising the impact on his daily life, he reached out to Keenan Solicitors for legal advice.


The Case:

1. Confirming the Medical Diagnosis

To establish workplace noise exposure as the cause, we:

  • Arranged a free audiology test to determine if his hearing loss followed the established NIHL pattern.
  • Collected employment history and medical records to strengthen his case.
  • Referred him to a Consultant ENT Surgeon, who confirmed:
    • His hearing loss was consistent with prolonged industrial noise exposure.
    • His tinnitus symptoms were linked to his work environment.


2.  Issuing Legal Proceedings

To push the case forward, we:

  • Issued County Court proceedings after completing our investigations.
  • Ensured he attended an independent medical examination arranged by the Defendant.
  • Prepared the case for a Contest hearing, gathering all necessary evidence.


3.  Settlement Negotiations

Before reaching the Contest hearing, negotiations commenced.

We successfully secured a £12,500 compensation settlement for our client without the need for trial.


The Outcome:

Our client was delighted with his settlement, which covered:

  • The impact of NIHL on his daily life.
  • The distress caused by tinnitus.
  • The difficulty of communication in work and social settings.


This case reinforces that long-term exposure to workplace noise, even decades ago, can still lead to successful compensation claims.


Think Your Hearing Loss Might Be Work-Related?

If you’ve worked in a noisy environment and now experience hearing difficulties or tinnitus, you may be entitled to compensation—even if your job ended years ago.


Call us at 028 90 49 3349

 Visit us at 2 South Parade, Ormeau Road, Belfast, BT7 2GR

 Learn more at www.keenanlaw.co.uk

Hearing Loss Claims Northern Ireland

Have you suffered hearing loss due to workplace noise? Call us at 028 90 49 3349, visit our office at 2 South Parade, Ormeau Road, Belfast, BT7 2GR, or fill out our enquiry form at www.keenanlaw.co.uk.

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