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Road traffic claim for Belfast taxi passengers settles

Keenan Solicitors recently settled a road traffic accident claim for 3 passengers who were unfortunate enough to be involved in a road traffic accident when their taxi was struck by another vehicle.

The three friends were on their way to a night out when the road traffic accident occurred in Belfast.

Each passenger suffered from whiplash injuries and understandably were very shaken up following this traumatic incident.

They contacted Keenan Solicitors on the recommendation of a friend and, following an initial free no obligation consultation, instructed us to proceed with their road traffic accident claims. Ciaran Keenan acted on their behalf.

Ciaran wasted no time in commencing their claim. As they did not have the details of the driver that hit the taxi, he wrote to the PSNI and requested these details. He then traced the insurance company of this driver and wrote a letter of claim setting out each passenger’s case. Liability was accepted for the road traffic accident.

We then obtained the relevant medical notes for each passenger and arranged for them to attend an appointment with a Consultant in A&E Medicine, who following his examination prepared a medical report detailing the injuries they had suffered as a result of the accident.

Road traffic accidents can affect different people in different ways. One of the passengers was more shaken up than the others and unfortunately developed anxiety symptoms in relation to road travel as a result. Ciaran then arranged for this client to attend with a Consultant Psychiatrist, who prepared a report in relation to their psychological injuries.

On completion of our client’s medical evidence, we entered into negotiations with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Following a period of negotiations, the cases were settled for the excellent figures of £10,000, £13,000 and £13,000 respectively. Each case was settled without the further worry of our clients having to attend court.

Road Traffic Accident Claims Northern Ireland

If you or someone you know have been involved in a road traffic accident in Northern Ireland and it wasn’t entirely your fault, Keenan Solicitors can help. Call us or leave your details to arrange a free, no obligation consultation.

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